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Disulfide bridge-dependent dimerization triggers FGF2 membrane translocation into the extracellular space

Lolicato F#, Steringer JP, Saleppico R, Beyer D, Fernandez-Sobaberas J, Unger S, Klein S, Riegerová P, Wegehingel S, Müller HM, Freund C, Hof, M, Šachl R, ChlandaP, Vattulainen I, and Nickel W (2023). eLife.
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Determining the Functional Oligomeric State of Membrane-Associated Protein Oligomers Forming Membrane Pores on Giant Lipid Vesicles

Singh V, Macharová S, Riegerová P, Steringer J P, Müller H-M, Lolicato F, Nickel W, Hof M, and Šachl R (2023). Anal. Chem.
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IFITM3 blocks viral entry by sorting lipids and stabilizing hemifusion

Klein S, Golani G, Lolicato F*, Beyer D, Herrmann A, Wachsmuth-Melm M, Reddmann N, Brecht R, Lahr C, Hosseinzadeh M, Kolovou A, Schorb M, Schwab Y, Brügger B, Nickel W, Schwarz U S, Chlanda P (2023). Cell Host&Microbe.
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The Ebola Virus VP40 Matrix Undergoes Endosomal Disassembly Essential for Membrane Fusion

Winter S. L, Golani G, Lolicato F, Vallbracht M, Thiyagarajah K, Ahmed S S, Lüchtenborg C, Fackler O T, Brügger B, Hoenen T, Nickel W, Schwarz U S, Chlanda P. (2023). EMBO J.
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In vivo characterization of the bacterial intramembrane-cleaving protease RseP using the heme binding tag-based assay iCliPSpy

Kupke T, Götz R M, Richter F M, Beck R, Lolicato F, Nickel W, Hopf C and Brügger B. (2023). Commun. Biol.
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Cholesterol promotes clustering of PI(4,5)P2 driving unconventional secretion of FGF2

Lolicato F#, Saleppico R, Griffo A, Meyer A, Scollo F, Pokrandt B, Müller HM, Ewers H, Hähl H, Fleury JB, Seemann R, Hof M, Brügger B, Jacobs K, Vattulainen I, Nickel W (2022). J. Cell. Biol.
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Dimerization of the Pulmonary Surfactant Protein C in a Membrane Environment

Korolainen H, Lolicato F, Enkavi G, Pérez-Gil J, Kulig W, Vattulainen I. (2022). PLoS One.
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A Role for Liquid-Ordered Plasma Membrane Nanodomains Coordinating the Unconventional Secretory Pathway of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2?

Lolicato F#, Nickel W. (2022). Front. Cell Dev. Biol.
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A Unifying Framework for Amyloid-Mediated Membrane Damage: The Lipid-Chaperone Hypothesis

Tempra C, Scollo F, Pannuzzo M, Lolicato F#, La Rosa C. A (2022). BBA-Proteins Proteom.
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The Role of Alpha-Helix on the Structure-Targeting Drug Design of Amyloidogenic Proteins

Tempra C, La Rosa C, Lolicato F. (2021). Chem. Phys. Lipids.
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Lipid-Chaperone Hypothesis: A Common Molecular Mechanism of Membrane Disruption by Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Sciacca M F, Lolicato F*, Tempra C, Scollo F, Sahoo B R, Watson M D, García-Viñuales, S, Milardi D, Raudino A, Lee, J. C, Ramamoorthy A, La Rosa C. (2020). ACS Chem. Neurosci.
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The Na,K-ATPase Acts Upstream of Phosphoinositide PI(4,5)P2 Facilitating Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2

Legrand C, Saleppico R, Sticht, J, Lolicato F, Müller H-M, Wegehingel S, Dimou E, Steringer J P, Ewers H, Vattulainen I, Freund C, Nickel W. (2020). Commun. Biol.
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Mcl-1 and Bok Transmembrane Domains: Unexpected Players in the Modulation of Apoptosis

Lucendo E, Sancho M, Lolicato F, Javanainen M, Kulig W, Leiva D, Duart G, Andreu-Fernández V, Mingarro I, Orzáez M. (2020). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.
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Cholesterol Localization around the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 2

Kurth M, Lolicato F, Sandoval-Perez A, Amaya-Espinosa H, Teslenko A, Sinning I, Beck R, Brügger B, Aponte-Santamaría C. (2020). J. Phys. Chem. B.
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Modulating Aβ Aggregation by Tyrosol-Based Ligands: The Crucial Role of the Catechol Moiety

Romanucci V, García-Viñuales S, Tempra C, Bernini R, Zarrelli A, Lolicato F#, Milardi D, Di Fabio G. (2020). Biophys. Chem.
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Membrane-Dependent Binding and Entry Mechanism of Dopamine into Its Receptor

Lolicato F, Juhola H, Zak A, Postila P. A, Saukko A, Rissanen S, Enkavi G, Vattulainen I, Kepczynski M, Róg T. (2020). ACS Chem. Neurosci.
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Symmetry-Breaking Transitions in the Early Steps of Protein Self-Assembly

La Rosa C, Condorelli M, Compagnini G, Lolicato F, Milardi D, Do T N, Karttunen M, Pannuzzo M, Ramamoorthy A, Fraternali F, Collu F, Rezaei H, Strodel B, Raudino A. (2020). Eur. Biophys. J.
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The Role of Temperature and Lipid Charge on Intake/Uptake of Cationic Gold Nanoparticles into Lipid Bilayers

Lolicato F, Joly L, Martinez‐Seara H, Fragneto G, Scoppola E, Baldelli Bombelli F, Vattulainen I, Akola J, Maccarini M. (2019). Small.
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The Devil Is in the Details: What Do We Really Track in Single-Particle Tracking Experiments of Diffusion in Biological Membranes?

Gurtovenko A A, Javanainen M, Lolicato F, Vattulainen I. (2019). J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
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Phospholipids Critical Micellar Concentrations Trigger Different Mechanisms of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Interaction with Model Membranes

Scollo F, Tempra C, Lolicato F, Sciacca M F. M, Raudino A, Milardi D, La Rosa C. (2018). J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
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Negatively Charged Gangliosides Promote Membrane Association of Amphipathic Neurotransmitters

Juhola H, Postila P. A, Rissanen S, Lolicato F, Vattulainen I, Róg T. (2018). Neurosci.
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Detection and Characterization at NM Concentration of Oligomers Formed by HIAPP, Aβ(1–40) and Their Equimolar Mixture Using SERS and MD Simulations

D’Urso L, Condorelli M, Puglisi O, Tempra C, Lolicato F, Compagnini G, La Rosa C. (2018). Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
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DoGlycans –Tools for Preparing Carbohydrate Structures for Atomistic Simulations of Glycoproteins, Glycolipids, and Carbohydrate Polymers for GROMACS

Danne R, Poojari C, Martinez-Seara H, Rissanen S, Lolicato F, Róg T, Vattulainen I. (2017). J. Chem. Inf. Model.
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Inhibition of Aβ Amyloid Growth and Toxicity by Silybins: The Crucial Role of Stereochemistry

Sciacca, Michele. F. M, Romanucci V, Zarrelli A, Monaco I, Lolicato F, Spinella N, Galati C, Grasso G, D’Urso L, Romeo M, Diomede L, Salmona M, Bongiorno C, Di Fabio G, La Rosa C, Milardi D. (2017). ACS Chem. Neurosci.
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Key Steps in Unconventional Secretion of Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Reconstituted with Purified Components

Steringer J P, Lange S, Čujová S, Šachl R, Poojari C, Lolicato F, Beutel O, Müller H-M, Unger S, Coskun Ü, Honigmann A, Vattulainen I, Hof M, Freund C, Nickel W. (2017). eLife.
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The Role of Cholesterol in Driving IAPP-Membrane Interactions

Sciacca M F. M, Lolicato F, Di Mauro G, Milardi D, D’Urso L, Satriano C, Ramamoorthy A, La Rosa C. (2016). Biophys. J.
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Lipid-Assisted Protein Transport: A Diffusion-Reaction Model Supported by Kinetic Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

La Rosa C, Scalisi S, Lolicato F, Pannuzzo M, Raudino A. (2016). J. Chem. Phys.
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